In a terrifying incident, armed robbers invaded the Ologuneru community in Ibadan, Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State, leaving three individuals seriously injured. The attack occurred in the early hours of the morning, around 2:45 a.m., as the robbers broke windows and burglarized buildings using dangerous weapons.
The Western Nigeria Security Network, also known as Amotekun, promptly responded to a distress call made by an anonymous chairman of the landlord association in the area. However, the hoodlums had already attacked two houses, causing injuries to several people. Upon visiting the scene of the robbery, broken louvers were discovered on the floors of the two targeted houses.
According to the victims, the robbers gained access to the houses by jumping over the fence before proceeding to break the windows. One victim recounted, “When they came, they ordered us to open the door, which we refused to do. Then, they started banging the windows and burglaries with a sledgehammer until they forced it open. They covered their faces, and we knew some of them were outside.”
The victims further revealed that the robbers assaulted two men with the butt of their rifles and struck a woman in the face. One of the victims had reportedly gone to the Ologuneru police station to file a complaint. Fortunately, security personnel arrived promptly, causing the robbers to flee through a nearby community called Akatapa.
A police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, stated, “I called my colleagues, and they came. The robbers fled the scene but returned when they knew security personnel had left. Thankfully, the police returned upon receiving another distress call.”
Reports indicate that these robberies have become a recurring occurrence in Ologuneru and its surroundings. A source revealed that just a day prior, the robbers targeted the Adeosun and Apete areas, robbing individuals of their belongings.
This invasion of robbers has become an annual ritual as the year comes to an end. The source explained, “At times, they write letters threatening to visit places in the community. They paste the letters on walls in conspicuous places so that people can see.”
Residents are urging the government to strengthen security in the area, as cases of robbery have become alarmingly frequent.
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