A notorious criminal known as Musiliudeen Gbolagade, also known as MC, was shot dead on Monday by a joint team of operatives from Western Nigeria Security Network, Amotekun, and Operation Burst in Iseyin, Oyo State. MC was suspected of being involved in numerous robberies and gun battles in the Isalu community, and was also believed to have been involved in kidnapping and other criminal activities in the area. He was reportedly feared by local residents, who claimed that he forcibly collected rent from shop owners, landlords, and business owners.
During the raid on his hideout, MC allegedly shot one of the security personnel before being killed himself. His corpse has been deposited at the Oketapemo Police station for onward movement to Ibadan. Nine of his accomplices were also arrested at the scene.
Confirming the incident, the state Commandant of Amotekun, Col. Olayinka Olayanju said: “Yes, it was true. We have neutralized him. It was a combined team of Amotekun and the Police, Operation Burst. He had committed so many atrocities, crimes in the area. Even this Monday morning, he engaged security personnel in gun duel and they gunned him down.”
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