
Oyo State Govt Reopen Schools, Observe COVID-19 guidelines

As the terminal classes in primary and secondary schools in Oyo State reopen for academic activities today, one could observe the strict procedures stakeholders had put in place to combat the spread of the virus among students.

As early as 7.30 am, students and pupils were seen trooping into their schools with nose masks and shields.

OyoAffairs went around to see how the schools were responding to the directives from the taskforce.

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While speaking with one of the Teachers at Abadina College, University of Ibadan, he said that the students in JSS 3 and SS 3 have been distributed in all the vacant classes in the school to ensure distancing among the students.

Oyo Affairs also observed that the benches for pupils were marked to create boundaries while sitting.

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A parent said that she wore a face shield and even added a mask for her daughter. “I am very particular about my daughter’s safety because I don’t want her bringing any coronavirus home.”

In Olivet Baptist School, Oyo Town, Washbasins and liquid soap were placed at the school entrance and in strategic positions in the school.

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There were also boards with directives on how to observe the guidelines. Some private schools in Ibadan placed washbasins, hand sanitizers, and liquid soap in each class.

OyoAffairs gathered that the classes and offices had been fumigated weeks before opening to resist the spread of the pandemic.


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Oyo Affairs is an independent news media with the main focus on Oyo state news, politics, current events, trending happenings within and around Oyo state, Nigeria


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