
BREAKING: Chief Imam of Sepeteri Land Dies at 145

Alhaji Abdul Hammed Salaudeen Ariremako, the Chief Imam of Sepeteri Land in Saki East Local Government Area of Oyo State is dead.

The turbaned Chief Imam died on Sunday afternoon at the ripe age of 145 at his residence in Sepeteri.

His family and the Sepeteri Muslim Community have announced that his funeral, according to Islamic rites will be held by 10 am tomorrow, 6th July 2020 at his residence located at Oke Agoro Sepeteri while the Fidau prayers will hold at Ibuuya Primary School, 10 am on Sunday 12th of July 2020.

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Alhaji Jimoh Kareem Salam Alaikum, the chairman, Sepeteri Muslim Community, explained that the cleric’s death was painful.

He said, “He was a humble, gentle and serious Islamic teacher whose tutelage extended beyond Sepeteri Land.”

The chairman also commiserated with the family and the entire Muslim Ummah in Sepeteri land and Saki East at large on the demise of the Islamic leader.


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Oyo Affairs is an independent news media with the main focus on Oyo state news, politics, current events, trending happenings within and around Oyo state, Nigeria

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