
Seyi Makinde: Of Loans and Private Jets By Lati Abayomi

The naysayers are at it again. The latest fake news they are peddling is the insinuation that Governor Seyi Makinde took a loan of N150 Billion and used it to purchase a private jet. Their evidence that Governor Makinde bought a private jet is…they saw him alighting from a private jet in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, as he attended the final match of the Super Eagles at the just concluded African Cup of Nations (AFCON2023).

One of the blogs that was used to peddle this ridiculous rumour said that the “coincidence” of the government getting a loan and then the Governor purchasing a private jet was too much not to be true. But, for something to have been a “coincidence”, it has to have been an incident to start with. So, let’s look at the facts.

Incident 1: Oyo State took a loan of N150billion
This must refer to the AFREXIM Bank loan, which Governor Seyi Makinde spoke about after attending the Intra-Africa Trade Fair in Cairo, Egypt. In January, 2024, the House of Assembly received a letter from the governor seeking approval for the loan to be taken.

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The house requested that they be “furnished with details of the loan repayment plan and other necessary information that will aid legislative considerations,” before the approval is given.

Note that this is an approval from the house for the executive to go and borrow the said amount. It is not an indication that the loan has already been taken.

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In fact, as of the time of this publication, the Oyo State Government is still negotiating the terms of the loan. It has not been taken. What this means is that the first part of the “coincidence” did not taken place.

Incident 2: Governor Seyi Makinde purchased a private jet.

The second part of the coincidence is not only laughable but also ludicrous. Claiming that the governor has purchased a private jet because he was seen alighting from one is akin to saying that anyone seen alighting from a vehicle owns it.

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Clearly, the second “incident” is purely speculative hearsay.

We can therefore conclude that there was no coincidence, Rather we have mischief makers up to their usual mischief.

Perhaps the people who spend the bulk of their time on speculations and rumour-mongering need to get a job that they can do well as they are doing very poorly in the propaganda war.

As Seyi Makinde stated in his recent commissioning of the 12.5km Theophilus Akinyele Road, his primary focus is delivering good governance to the good people of Oyo State so as to continue moving them to greater prosperity.


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Oyo Affairs is an independent news media with the main focus on Oyo state news, politics, current events, trending happenings within and around Oyo state, Nigeria

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